PeopleSoft Custom Error/ Pre-login Error Messages

At time organization/ institute need to modify custom error/ pre-login error messages based on their requirements. Here is the file that contain all messages. It’s on web server.

/apps/<ps_home>/webserv/<sitename>/applications/peoplesoft/PORTAL.war/WEB-INF/psftdocs/<sitename> /

# ALL KEYS IN THIS FILE ARE CASE SENSITIVE (Values may be too, ex class names)

105=Your User ID and/or Password are invalid.
106=User ID and Password are required.
107=Your browser sent multiple sets of cookies.
108=Logon failed as the language you have selected is not enabled for this database.
110=Illegal identity switch has been detected by the System. Please re-login.
111=Authorization Error -- Contact your Security Administrator
115=The application server is down at this time.
127=You have requested a secure resource.  Please signon with your User ID and Password.

# 116-122 are File attachment errors
116=Unable to open file.
117=File not found or file received has length zero.
118=Null request received.
119=No disk space on Application Server
120=Session is null.
121=Error receiving file.
122=Data received is corrupt.
123=File attachment failed
124=File transfer failed

125=not supported by this browser
126=File exceeds maximum file size.

# Portal errors start with 201...
201=Unable to find default home page.
202=Unknown error occurred.  Unable to get content.
203=Parser failure for
204=Unable to proxy content for
205=  Content contains malformed URL.
206=Unknown host
207=Improperly formed URL
208=Unable to get document.
209=Unable to create session for
210=Could not create session: portalappserver not found in
211=Unable to connect session for
212=Could not get registry from session.
213=Could not open registry - portalname not found in
214=Could not open registry.  Registry name:
215=You are not authorized for this page.
216=Warning:  Page has expired.  The page you request was created using information submitted from a form, which is no longer available.  Please return to the page with the form and resubmit it.
217=Warning:  This page was reached in error.
218=File not found
219=Unable to get document
220=Error occurred while accessing target page:
221=Exception stack trace:
222=Unable to use document as pagelet
223=Bad content type for pagelet. Pagelet content must be text. Found content type for pagelet:
224=The Portal Registry Content Providers have not been initialized.  Please contact your System Administrator.
225=Unable to signon to server.
226=Please contact your System Administrator.
227=PeopleSoft Server Error
228=The page you were accessing experienced an unrecoverable error.  You may have lost all recent work since your last save.  If your problem persists, please contact the System Administrator.
229=Portal database setup is incomplete.  A local node has not been defined.  Please contact your system administrator.
230=Invalid URL - no psHome found in URL.
231=Invalid URL - no Portal found in URL.
232=Invalid URL - no Node found in URL.
233=Unknown Node name in URL.
234=Invalid URL - unknown Content Type or no Content Type found in URL.
235=Invalid URL - no ContentID found in URL.
236=Scheme mismatch - unable to access content through https when the portal is accessed through http.  Log in to the portal over https to view this content.
239=Malformed URL:
240=Portal database setup is incomplete.  The Default portal is not defined.  Please contact your system administrator.
241=Request Timed out. Please try again.

# Report Repository errors start with 301...
301=You are not authorized to view the report(s).
302=The Report Repository has been disabled.

# Email Attachment Repository errors start from 401...

401=You are not authorized to view the email attachments/downloaded files.
402=The file does not exist.

10400=HTTP 400 - Bad Request
10401=HTTP 401 - Unauthorized
10402=HTTP 402 - Payment Required
10403=HTTP 403 - Forbidden
10404=HTTP 404 - Not Found
10405=HTTP 405 - Method Not Allowed
10406=HTTP 406 - Not Acceptable
10407=HTTP 407 - Proxy Authentication Required
10408=HTTP 408 - Request Time-out
10409=HTTP 409 - Conflict
10410=HTTP 410 - Gone
10411=HTTP 411 - Length Required
10412=HTTP 412 - Precondition Failed
10413=HTTP 413 - Request Entity Too Large
10414=HTTP 414 - Request-URI Too Large
10415=HTTP 415 - Unsupported Media Type
10416=HTTP 416 - Requested range not satisfiable
10417=HTTP 417 - Expectation Failed
10500=HTTP 500 - Internal Server Error
10501=HTTP 501 - Not Implemented
10502=HTTP 502 - Bad Gateway
10503=HTTP 503 - Service Unavailable
10504=HTTP 504 - Gateway Time-out
10505=HTTP 505 - HTTP Version not supported